Worms, Fleas and Ticks
We offer a wide range of services for pets of all shapes anMost pet owners know that cats and dogs can become infected with worms, fleas and ticks and the concept of a regular treatment is well established, but how many people really know which product they should be using and how often it should be done? Practice staff will be able to advise you as to the best care regime for your pet.
Please note that the products available from the practice are prescription medicines and are not available through pet shops or supermarkets. This means that a vet will need to have seen your pet within the last year to be prescribed such treatment.d sizes and we try to cater for as many aspects of pet ownership as possible. It is our aim to have our patients healthy, fit and happy in all aspects of life. To enable us to give your animals the best possible care we are continually investing in new equipment and training for our vets and nurses.
Vaccinations help protect your pet from fatal diseases. It also prevents the spread of these infections. We offer routine vaccinations for dogs, cats and rabbits. After the initial vaccination course, you will be advised to return with your pet for a yearly booster in which we remind our clients via the post when these are due. This also includes a general health check and a chance to speak to the veterinary surgeon about any problems or worries you may have.
You vaccinate your cat for cat flu, enteritis and leukaemia virus. Leukaemia virus vaccination is optional for cats that never go outside. Kittens should have a primary course of 2 injections, three weeks apart, generally at 9 and 12 weeks of age. The specific requirements of your cat should be discussed with your vet. Vaccination is the only way to protect your cat from these diseases and is the main reason these diseases are now uncommon. It is important to vaccinate, not only to protect your cat, but also to protect the population of cats in the area.
Vaccination of all dogs is essential for their well-being. This comprises an initial vaccine course, followed by yearly boosters. It protects against canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and leptospirosis. All of these diseases are very debilitating and often can be fatal.
We also recommend yearly vaccination against kennel cough, which is spread by an aerosol spray effect. All dogs that meet other dogs, whether on walks or at dog clubs or shows are susceptible. Most kennels will insist on the dog having a vaccine against kennel cough, to reduce the spread of the disease

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